Reminder to verify email addresses

scam email

It may seem straightforward; receiving an email from your boss or usual contact requesting a swift response regarding contact details, an account number, or even a password. Without hesitation, you provide the information, only to realize after hitting send that the sender wasn't actually your boss.  Cybercriminals are getting smarter, utilizing company contact names to orchestrate their scams.

To ensure you are not replying to a spammer, there are a few key things to check before hitting that send button. Firstly, carefully examine the email address of the sender to see if it matches the usual format used by your boss or regular contacts. Look out for any slight variations or misspellings that could indicate a potential scam. Secondly, pay attention to the language and tone of the email. If it seems off or different from what you would typically expect, it might be a red flag. Lastly, if the email is requesting sensitive information like account numbers or passwords, it's always best to double-check with the sender through another form of communication to verify their identity. By staying vigilant and taking these precautionary measures, you can better protect yourself from falling victim to clever spam tactics.  Remember it is best to Never send any passwords or credentials in an email, unless you use encryption. Exercise extreme caution when responding to emails, and under no circumstances should you click on any links in emails until you have verified the sender's identity.



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